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Chapter 10  Condition variables

Many simple synchronization problems can be solved using mutexes as shown in the previous chapter. In this chapter I introduce a bigger challenge, the well-known “Producer-Consumer problem”, and a new tool to solve it, the condition variable.

10.1  The work queue

In some multi-threaded programs, threads are organized to perform different tasks. Often they communicate with each other using a queue, where some threads, called “producers”, put data into the queue and other threads, called “consumers”, take data out.

For example, in applications with a graphical user interface, there might be one thread that runs the GUI, responding to user events, and another thread that processes user requests. In that case, the GUI thread might put requests into a queue and the “back end” thread might take requests out and process them.

To support this organization, we need a queue implementation that is “thread safe”, which means that both threads (or more than two) can access the queue at the same time. And we need to handle the special cases when the queue is empty and, if the size of the queue is bounded, when the queue is full.

I’ll start with a simple queue that is not thread safe, then we’ll see what goes wrong and fix it. The code for this example is in the repository for this book, in a folder called queue. The file queue.c contains a basic implementation of a circular buffer, which you can read about at

Here’s the structure definition:

typedef struct {
    int *array;
    int length;
    int next_in;
    int next_out;
} Queue;

array is the array that contains the elements of the queue. For this example the elements are ints, but more generally they would be structures that contain user events, items of work, etc.

length is the length of the array. next_in is an index into the array that indices where the next element should be added; similarly, next_out is the index of the next element that should be removed.

make_queue allocates space for this structure and initializes the fields:

Queue *make_queue(int length)
    Queue *queue = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    queue->length = length + 1;
    queue->array = (int *) malloc(length * sizeof(int));
    queue->next_in = 0;
    queue->next_out = 0;
    return queue;

The initial value for next_out needs some explaining. Since the queue is initially empty, there is no next element to remove, so next_out is invalid. Setting next_out == next_in is a special case that indicates that the queue is empty, so we can write:

int queue_empty(Queue *queue)
    return (queue->next_in == queue->next_out);

Now we can add elements to the queue using queue_push:

void queue_push(Queue *queue, int item) {
    if (queue_full(queue)) {
        perror_exit("queue is full");
    queue->array[queue->next_in] = item;
    queue->next_in = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_in);

If the queue is full, queue_push prints an error message and exits. I will explain queue_full soon.

If the queue is not full, queue_push inserts the new element and then increments next_in using queue_incr:

int queue_incr(Queue *queue, int i)
    return (i+1) % queue->length;

When the index, i, gets to the end of the array, it wraps around to 0. And that’s where we run into a tricky part. If we keep adding elements to the queue, eventually next_in wraps around and catches up with next_out. But if next_in == next_out, we would incorrectly conclude that the queue was empty.

To avoid that, we define another special case to indicate that the queue is full:

int queue_full(Queue *queue)
    return (queue_incr(queue, queue->next_in) == queue->next_out);

If incrementing next_in lands on next_out, that means we can’t add another element without making the queue seem empty. So we stop one element before the “end” (keeping in mind that the end of the queue can be anywhere, not necessarily the end of the array).

Now we can write queue_pop, which removes and returns the next element from the queue:

int queue_pop(Queue *queue) {
    if (queue_empty(queue)) {
        perror_exit("queue is empty");
    int item = queue->array[queue->next_out];
    queue->next_out = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_out);
    return item;

If you try to pop from an empty queue, queue_pop prints an error message and exits.

10.2  Producers and consumers

Now let’s make some threads to access this queue. Here’s the producer code:

void *producer_entry(void *arg) {
    Shared *shared = (Shared *) arg;

    for (int i=0; i<QUEUE_LENGTH-1; i++) {
        printf("adding item %d\n", i);
        queue_push(shared->queue, i);

Here’s the consumer code:

void *consumer_entry(void *arg) {
    int item;
    Shared *shared = (Shared *) arg;

    for (int i=0; i<QUEUE_LENGTH-1; i++) {
        item = queue_pop(shared->queue);
        printf("consuming item %d\n", item);

Here’s the parent code that starts the threads and waits for them

    pthread_t child[NUM_CHILDREN];

    Shared *shared = make_shared();

    child[0] = make_thread(producer_entry, shared);
    child[1] = make_thread(consumer_entry, shared);

    for (int i=0; i<NUM_CHILDREN; i++) {

And finally here’s the shared structure that contains the queue:

typedef struct {
    Queue *queue;
} Shared;

Shared *make_shared()
    Shared *shared = check_malloc(sizeof(Shared));
    shared->queue = make_queue(QUEUE_LENGTH);
    return shared;

The code we have so far is a good starting place, but it has several problems:

In the next section, we solve the first problem with a Mutex. In the following section, we solve the second problem with condition variables.

10.3  Mutual exclusion

We can make the queue thread safe with a mutex. This version of the code is in queue_mutex.c.

First we add a Mutex pointer to the queue structure:

typedef struct {
    int *array;
    int length;
    int next_in;
    int next_out;
    Mutex *mutex;          //-- this line is new
} Queue;

And initialize the Mutex in make_queue:

Queue *make_queue(int length) {
    Queue *queue = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    queue->length = length;
    queue->array = (int *) malloc(length * sizeof(int));
    queue->next_in = 0;
    queue->next_out = 0;
    queue->mutex = make_mutex();   //-- new
    return queue;

Next we add synchronization code to queue_push:

void queue_push(Queue *queue, int item) {
    mutex_lock(queue->mutex);   //-- new
    if (queue_full(queue)) {
      mutex_unlock(queue->mutex);   //-- new
      perror_exit("queue is full");
    queue->array[queue->next_in] = item;
    queue->next_in = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_in);
    mutex_unlock(queue->mutex);   //-- new

Before checking whether the queue is full, we have to lock the Mutex. If the queue is full, we have to unlock the Mutex before exiting; otherwise the thread would leave it locked and no other threads could proceed.

The synchronization code for queue_pop is similar:

int queue_pop(Queue *queue) {
    if (queue_empty(queue)) {
      perror_exit("queue is empty");
    int item = queue->array[queue->next_out];
    queue->next_out = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_out);
    return item;

Note that the other Queue functions, queue_full, queue_empty, and queue_incr do not try to lock the mutex. Any thread that calls these functions is required to lock the mutex first; this requirement is part of the documented interface for these functions.

With this additional code, the queue is thread safe; if you run it, you should not see any synchronization errors. But it is likely that the consumer will exit at some point because the queue is empty, or the producer will exit because the queue is full, or both.

The next step is to add condition variables.

10.4  Condition variables

A condition variable is a data structure associated with a condition; it allows threads to block until the condition becomes true. For example, thread_pop might want check whether the queue is empty and, if so, wait for a condition like “queue not empty”.

Similarly, thread_push might want to check whether the queue is full and, if so, block until it is not full.

I’ll handle the first condition here, and you will have a chance to handle the second condition as an exercise.

First we add a condition variable to the Queue structure:

typedef struct {
    int *array;
    int length;
    int next_in;
    int next_out;
    Mutex *mutex;
    Cond *nonempty;   //-- new
} Queue;

And initialize it in make_queue:

Queue *make_queue(int length)
    Queue *queue = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    queue->length = length;
    queue->array = (int *) malloc(length * sizeof(int));
    queue->next_in = 0;
    queue->next_out = 0;
    queue->mutex = make_mutex();
    queue->nonempty = make_cond();   //-- new
    return queue;

Now in queue_pop, if we find the queue empty, we don’t exit; instead we use the condition variable to block:

int queue_pop(Queue *queue) {
  while (queue_empty(queue)) {
    cond_wait(queue->nonempty, queue->mutex);  //-- new
  int item = queue->array[queue->next_out];
  queue->next_out = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_out);
  cond_signal(queue->nonfull);   //-- new
  return item;

cond_wait is complicated, so let’s take it slow. The first argument is the condition variable; in this case, the condition we are waiting for is “queue not empty”. The second argument is the mutex that protects the queue.

When the thread that locked the mutex calls cond_wait, it unlocks the mutex and then blocks. This is important. If cond_wait did not unlock the mutex before blocking, no other thread would be able to access the queue, no more items could be added, and the queue would always be empty.

So while the consumer is blocked on nonempty, the producer can run. Let’s see what happens when the producer runs queue_push:

void queue_push(Queue *queue, int item) {
    if (queue_full(queue)) {
        perror_exit("queue is full");
    queue->array[queue->next_in] = item;
    queue->next_in = queue_incr(queue, queue->next_in);
    cond_signal(queue->nonempty);    //-- new

Just as before, queue_push locks the Mutex and checks whether the queue is full. Assuming it is not, queue_push adds a new element to the queue and then unlocks the Mutex.

But before returning, it does one more thing: it “signals” the condition variable nonempty.

Signalling a condition variable usually indicates that the condition is true. If there are no threads waiting on the condition variable, the signal has no effect.

If there are threads waiting on the condition variable, one of them gets unblocked and resumes execution of cond_wait. But before the awakened thread can return from cond_wait, it has to wait for and lock the Mutex, again.

Now go back to queue_pop and see what happens when the thread returns from cond_wait. It loops back to the top of the while loop and checks the condition again. I’ll explain why in just a second, but for now let’s assume that the condition is true; that is, the queue is not empty.

When the consumer thread exits the while loop, we know two things: (1) the condition is true, so there is at least one item in the queue, and (2) the Mutex is locked, so it is safe to access the queue.

After removing an item, queue_pop unlocks the mutex and returns.

In the next section I’ll show you how my Cond code works, but first I want to answer two frequently-asked questions:

Because threads have to check the condition when they return from cond_wait, it is not strictly necessary to call cond_signal only when the condition is true. If you have reason to think the condition might be true, you could call cond_signal as a suggestion that now is a good time to check.

10.5  Condition variable implementation

The Cond structure I used in the previous section is a wrapper for a type called pthread_cond_t, which is defined in the POSIX threads API. It is very similar to Mutex, which is a wrapper for pthread_mutex_t. Both wrappers are defined in utils.c and utils.h.

Here’s the typedef:

typedef pthread_cond_t Cond;

make_cond allocates space, initializes the condition variable, and returns a pointer:

Cond *make_cond() {
    Cond *cond = check_malloc(sizeof(Cond)); 
    int n = pthread_cond_init(cond, NULL);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("make_cond failed");
    return cond;

And here are the wrappers for cond_wait and cond_signal.

void cond_wait(Cond *cond, Mutex *mutex) {
    int n = pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("cond_wait failed");

void cond_signal(Cond *cond) {
    int n = pthread_cond_signal(cond);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("cond_signal failed");

At this point there should be nothing too surprising there.

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