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Complex numbers
Euler’s Equality, 2.4
- imaginary unit, 2.4, 2.5
- Compound statements
- Differential equations
ode45, 9.4
- ode45 events, 11.9
- Euler’s Method, 9.2
- initial conditions, 9.1
- linearity, 9.1
- order, 9.1
- ordinary, 9.1
- partial, 9.1
- stiffness, 9.8
- systems of equations, 10.4
- Documentation
doc and help, 2.3
- functions, 6.3
- Errors
- Functions
- Interpolation
- Math functions
exponential, 2.2
- logarithmic, 2.2
- trigonometric, 2.2
- Matrices
magic, 10.1
- ones, 5.7
- size, 10.1
- addition, 5.6
- elementwise multiplication, 5.7
- indexing, 5.8
- multiplication, 5.7
- row and column vectors, 10.2
- transpose, 10.3
| - Numbers
- Operations
- Physical modeling
- Plotting
- Scripts
incremental development, 3.7
- M-files, 3.1
- pre- and post-conditions, 3.5, 5.1
- reasons for using, 3.2
- Spatial vectors
representation, 11.1
- cross product, 14.1
- directed line-segment repesentation, 11.1
- dot product, 14.1
- unit vectors, 11.1
- Syntax
- Variables
- Zero-finding
fzero, 7.6
- fixed-point iteration, 7.4
- procedure, 7.5
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