Easy Ways To Help Free Books

by Allen B. Downey

Free Software has been around for a while, but Free Books are still pretty much an experiment. As far as I know, the only conventional publisher working with free content authors is O'Reilly, in what they call the Open Books Project.

My partner and I started Green Tea Press specifically to work with free content writers. Our first book was How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python which I wrote along with Jeff Elkner and Chris Meyers.

So far, things are going well. We get feedback every day from people who read our books online. They send in suggestions and corrections, or they just tell us they enjoyed the book. Sometimes they ask if there is anything they can do to help with the project.

Well, as a matter of fact there is! The following are some things readers can do to help make the Free Book experiment a success.

  1. If you have something good to say about the book, it would be great if you would post a few sentences on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other book review sites.

  2. If you think the book would be appropriate for your local library or your school's library, please recommend it to them.

  3. If you are a teacher, consider adopting one of our books for a class.

  4. If you know a teacher, consider recommending one of our books.

  5. If you are going shopping at Amazon, click on one of our links (like this), and we will get a percentage of your purchase price for the referral.

  6. Consider clicking on the icon below and making a small donation.

    Donate towards my web hosting bill!

About free books

Read our Textbook Manifesto!

If you are thinking about writing a free book, here are reasons you should and suggestions about how: Free Books: Why Not?.

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